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I applaud AdvisoryCloud’s effort to disrupt an industry that’s been dependent on "word-of-mouth" and "who-you-know".

Mary McDougall

Fmr. Vice President, Astia

AdvisoryCloud has brought me opportunities I would’ve never found otherwise. The team at AdvisoryCloud is very supportive and engaged in my success. They facilitated the entire process including helping with prep-work beforehand ensuring our meeting was productive and valuable.

Scott Lewis

SVP, Impact Group

AdvisoryCloud has made it possible for me to advise others just starting out, while supporting my goal of a flexible lifestyle that allows time for my other interests and activities.

Ed Addison

CEO, Cloud Pharmaceuticals

AdvisoryCloud has exceeded my expectations! They are professional, passionate and deliver their promise. I now proudly serve on the board of SmartServe...with an amazing and diverse group of leaders.

Leslie Sarkesian

Founder and CEO, Sarkesian Ventures

I found my experience with AdvisoryCloud to be the most efficient way to connect executives, like myself, with great companies looking for advisors and board members. I couldn’t be happier with the companies and individuals that I have had the opportunity to work with. 

Yasser Nafei

SVP & Division Head

After a short time using their platform, I have been placed in an advisory board role! Their platform is easy to navigate and their communication is exceptional.

Tammy Martin

CEO, Lighthouse Computer Services

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Here are just a few of the hundreds of reviews on AdvisoryCloud over the last 12 years….

I have been successfully matched by AdvisoryCloud with two companies that would never have been on my radar. AdvisoryCloud is a great place to showcase my unique skills among hundreds of organizations who need what I share.

Michael Harris

CEO, Michael Harris Group

AdvisoryCloud has been terrific. It is a highly tailored and incredibly easy way to connect with organizations and individuals looking for someone with my qualifications and experience. I have used many other professional networking services/sites with varying degrees of satisfaction and AdvisoryCloud handily beats all of them. Thanks for a great and effective tool.

Christian Sweetser

Senior VP Financial, Planning and Analysis

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